Workers Comp Resources
Experts in Reducing Workers’ Comp Ex-Mod Ratings and Premiums
ISU Curry Insurance Agency is a specialist in reducing Workers’ Comp Insurance rates. Although various factors comprise your Workers’ Comp rates, the primary one is your company’s Experience Modification (Ex-Mod) rating.
Our first step is to verify the accuracy of your Ex-Mod rating to ensure you are not overpaying your Workers’ Comp premiums. We then follow through with a comprehensive series of services, including claims adjustment and oversight, safety inspections and training and more. These services comprise our Workers’ Comp Services Package.
Is your company’s Experience Modification (“X-Mod”) unjustly high?
Your company’s Ex-Mod rating is the primary basis for calculating your Workers’ Comp premiums. The higher your Ex-Mod rating, the higher your Workers’ Comp premiums. ISU Curry Insurance Agency regularly finds mistakes in Ex-Mod rating calculations resulting in overpayments on Workers’ Comp premiums. We get the incorrect Ex-Mod rating corrected.
Additionally, your company’s Ex-Mod rating may be increased by the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau without your knowledge and consent. An increased Ex-Mod rating will trigger an increase in your Workers’ Comp rates. With ISU Curry Insurance, your Ex-Mod rating is monitored and scrutinized. Errors are fixed, preventing inflated premiums.
Save money with our claims management
Excessively high or falsified Workers’ Comp claims will inflate your company’s Ex-Mod rating and premiums. ISU Curry oversees and pursues denial and closing of suspicious employee claims to minimize the dollar impact on your Ex-Mod and possible dividends. We will also meet with your prior carrier to discover open reserves and attempt closure.
ISU Curry Insurance utilizes a fraud investigations unit which specializes in the investigation and eradication of false claims by your employees. In conjunction with our labor attorney, our clients have won many lawsuits resulting in the claim being closed with substantially reduced reserves.
On-site safety inspections and training materials
We provide safety training for your employees as well as perform periodic safety inspections with specific recommendations on what we find. This is one of our most successful programs and often returns higher productivity, reduced accidents, and therefore claims, and sizeable savings on your insurance premiums.
We are confident we can save you money on Workers’ Comp
Don’t overpay your Workers’ Comp Insurance. Contact ISU Curry Insurance Agency at 626-449-3870 or request a quote.